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  1. 《中国众创空间行业发展蓝皮书(2016)》 编委会与课题组名单
  2. 研究机构简介
  3. 摘要
  4. Abstract
  5. Ⅰ.中国众创空间的内涵与外延 The Connotation and Extension of GIS in China
  6. 1.众创空间的缘起 The Origin of GIS
  7. 2.众创空间的四种模式 Four Typical Operation Patterns of GIS
  8. A.WeWork模式/WeWork
  9. B.TenTen Wilshire模式/TenTen Wilshire
  10. C.RocketSpace模式/RocketSpace
  11. D.YC模式/Y Combinator
  12. 3.中国众创空间的基本定义和标准 Basic Definition and Standards of GIS in China
  13. Ⅱ.政策环境分析 Policy Analysis
  14. 1.商事制度改革 Reform of the Business System
  15. 2.普惠性税收措施 Inclusive Tax Measures
  16. 3.优化资本市场 Optimization of the Capital Market
  17. Ⅲ.中国众创空间的发展现状及市场需求变化 The Status Quo and the Change of Market Demand of GIS in China
  18. 1.中国众创空间的发展现状 The Status Quo of GIS in China
  19. 2.中国众创空间的主要模式 Typical Patterns of GIS in China
  20. A.优客工场/UrWork
  21. B.SOHO 3Q
  22. C.无界空间/Woo Space
  23. 3.市场需求的变化 The Change of Market Demand
  24. A.对完整商业生态环境的需求不断增强
  25. B.对第三方软性专业服务的需求不断增强
  26. C.对专业性资源、工具导入和整合的需求不断增强
  27. Ⅳ.问题与挑战 Problems and Challenges
  28. 1.众创空间政绩指标化 The Indexation of Performance
  29. 2.众创空间存在“散”和“薄”的现象 Lack of Industry Magnates
  30. 3.区域发展不平衡 Unbalanced Regional Development
  31. 4.盈利模式单一,资金匮乏 Single Profit Model, Lack of Fund
  32. 5.专业化程度不高,运营管理人才欠缺 Low Specialization Level, Lack of Operation Management Professionals
  33. Ⅴ.推动众创空间发展的建议 Suggestions on the Development of GIS
  34. 1.合理制定众创空间绩效指标 Set Reasonable Performance Indicator for GIS
  35. 2.鼓励联盟、投资、并购 Encourage Alliance, Investment and M&A
  36. 3.健全众创空间投融资体系,打造全要素孵化平台 Establish and Maintain Investment and Financing System, Forging an All-Factor Incubation Platform
  37. 4.坚持市场化配置资源的原则 Market Allocation of Resources
  38. 5.认真甄别金融领域的众创空间 Screen GISes in the field of Finance
  39. 6.降低准入门槛,简化登记手续 Reduce Barriers to Entry, Simplify Process of Registration
  40. Ⅵ.共享办公的国际经验 International Practices of Co-Working
  41. 1.国外众创空间发展特点 The Development of Oversea GISes
  42. (1)注重“包容”与“共享”的理念
  43. (2)运营模式多样,项目覆盖范围广泛
  44. (3)政府政策支持,鼓励多方参与
  45. 2.海外创客空间鼻祖企业运营模式分析 Operation Model of Well-Known Oversea GISes
  46. ChaosCamp(德国)
  47. TechShop(美国)
  48. 3.中外创新环境及众创空间模式对比 A Comparison of Operation Models of GISes from Home and Abrood
  49. Ⅶ.行业趋势及商业前景 Industrial Trend and Business Outlook
  50. 1.创客空间的生存模式 The Survival Mode of GIS
  51. 2.行业趋势 Industrial Trend
  52. 3.众创的世纪 The Era of Popular Entrepreneurship
  53. 附录1.合作、创新、共享,商业界的“共同价值” Appendix 1 Shared Value in the Marketplace:Cooperation, Innovation and Sharing
  54. 1.合作是现代商业的核心 Cooperation is the Core of Modern Business
  55. 2.创新是共同价值的灵魂 Innovation is the Soul of Shared Value
  56. 3.共享是共同价值的必然 Sharing is the Necessity of Shared Value
  57. 附录2.以全球化视角看共享经济的崛起 Appendix 2 The Rise of Sharing Economy:from a Globali-zation Perspective
  58. 1.共享经济是商业本质精神的回归 Sharing Economy is Return of the Nature of Business Spirit
  59. 2.全球化视角下的共享经济 Sharing Economy:from a Globalization Perspective
  60. 附录3.用户体验是共享经济获得快速发展的不二法门 Appendix 3 User Experience Is the One and Only Way to Rapid Expansion of Sharing Economy
  61. 1.把握用户体验才是生存之本及快速发展之道 User Experience is Key to Entrepreneurial Success and Rapid Expansion
  62. 2.共享经济“独角兽”们都在做用户体验 Unicorns in Sharing Economy are Focusing on User Experience
  63. 3.做联合办公领域最好的用户体验 Striving for the Best User Experience Operator in Co-Working Industry
  64. 附录4.从优客工场看共享经济的九字要诀 Appendix 4 Nine-Word Knack of Sharing Economy:from UrWork’s Perspective
  65. 1.共享经济重新书写价值创造的法则 Sharing Economy Rewrites the Rule of Value Creation
  66. 2.共享经济重新构建人与人之间的关系 Sharing Economy Remoulds the Relationship among People
  67. 湛庐,与思想有关……