My Bondage and My Freedom(我的枷锁与我的自由)

My Bondage and My Freedom(我的枷锁与我的自由)



My Bondage and My Freedom is an autobiographical slave narrative written by Frederick Douglass and published in 1855. It is the second of three autobiographies written by Douglass, and is mainly an expansion of his first (Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass), discussing in greater detail his transition from bondage to liberty. Following his liberation, Douglass, a former slave, went on to become a prominent abolitionist, speaker, author, and publisher.

弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass,1817─1895):十九世纪美国废奴运动领袖,是一名杰出的演说家、作家、人道主义者和政治活动家。在废奴运动中他是一个巨人般的人物。


  1. My Bondage and My Freedom(我的枷锁与我的自由)
  2. Part 1Life as a slave
  3. Editor's preface
  4. Introduction
  5. Chapter 1Childhood
  6. Chapter 2Removed from My First Home
  7. Chapter 3Parentage
  8. Chapter 4 AGeneral Survey of the Slave Plantation
  9. Chapter 5Gradual Initiation to the Mysteries of Slavery
  10. Chapter 6Treatment of Slaves on Lloyd's Plantation
  11. Chapter 7Life in the Great House
  12. Chapter 8 AChapter of Horrors
  13. Chapter 9Personal Treatment
  14. Chapter 10Life in Baltimore
  15. Chapter 11"A Change Came O'er the Spirit of My Dream"
  16. Chapter 12Religious Nature Awakened
  17. Chapter 13The Vicissitudes of Slave Life
  18. Chapter 14Experience in St. Michael's
  19. Chapter 15Covey, the Negro Breaker
  20. Chapter 16Another Pressure of the Tyrant's Vice
  21. Chapter 17The Last Flogging
  22. Chapter 18New Relations and Duties
  23. Chapter 19The Run-Away Plot
  24. Chapter 20Apprenticeship Life
  25. Chapter 21My Escape from Slavery
  26. Part 2Life as a freeman
  27. Chapter 1Liberty Attained
  28. Chapter 2Introduced to the Abolitionists
  29. Chapter 3Twenty-One Months in Great Britain
  30. Chapter 4Various Incidents
  31. RECEPTION SPEECH 10. At Finsbury Chapel,Moorfields, England, May 12, 1846
  32. Dr. Campbell's Reply
  33. LETTER TO HIS OLD MASTER. To My OldMaster, Thomas Auld
  34. THE NATURE OF SLAVERY. Extract from aLecture on Slavery, at Rochester, December 1, 1850
  35. INHUMANITY OF SLAVERY. Extract from ALecture on Slavery, at Rochester, December 8, 1850
  36. WHAT TO THE SLAVE IS THE FOURTH OF JULY? Extract from an Oration, at Rochester, July 5, 1852
  37. THE INTERNAL SLAVE TRADE. Extract from anOration, at Rochester, July 5, 1852
  38. THE SLAVERY PARTY. Extract from a SpeechDelivered before the A. A. S. Society, in New York, May, 1853.
  39. THE ANTI-SLAVERY MOVEMENT. Extracts froma Lecture before Various Anti-Slavery Bodies, in the Winter of1855.
