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叶慈(William Butler Yeats,1865—1939),又译叶芝,爱尔兰诗人、剧作家、小说家、散文家,神秘主义者。1923年,以其“始终富于灵感的诗歌”,并“以高度的艺术形式表达了整个民族的精神”,获诺贝尔文学奖。叶慈的诗受浪漫主义、唯美主义、神秘主义、象征主义和玄学诗的影响,他是传统诗歌形式的大师,又完成了向现代主义的转变。


  1. 导言
  2. 牧神的祭师
  3. 在香谷阡陌
  4. 露水点点滴落
  5. 每当身在荒漠
  6. 那印度人致所爱
  7. 叶落
  8. 蜉蝣
  9. 湖岛因尼斯夫莉
  10. 当你老了
  11. 白鸟
  12. 赠与我倾谈向火的人
  13. 让爱平静将息
  14. 黑豕谷
  15. 论完美
  16. 七重林中
  17. 树枯枝萎
  18. 亚当其惩
  19. 老人对水自怜
  20. 特洛不再
  21. 睿智随时间
  22. 什么事都教我分心
  23. 一九一三年九月
  24. 失落的尊荣
  25. 寒天
  26. 东方三贤士
  27. 阔园野天鹅
  28. 一个爱尔兰飞行员预见死亡
  29. 所罗门与希芭
  30. 学者
  31. 忧郁作
  32. 黎明
  33. 钓者
  34. 有人要我写一首有关战争的诗
  35. 余尔等主
  36. 麦柯·罗拔兹与舞者
  37. 一来自前生的形象
  38. 复活节·一九一六
  39. 一名政治犯
  40. 群众领袖
  41. 二度降临
  42. 战时冥想
  43. 航向拜占庭
  44. 吾宅
  45. 窗子边上的燕巢
  46. 西元一千九百十九年
  47. 丽妲与天鹅
  48. 爱德芒·杜剌可画黑色人头马
  49. 在学童当中
  50. 人性尊严
  51. 离群
  52. 自我与灵魂的对话
  53. 象征
  54. 十九世纪以降
  55. 三世运
  56. 疯月
  57. 阔园与灞列力塔·一九三一
  58. 拜占庭
  59. 感念无名教师
  60. 催眠曲
  61. 长久沉默之后
  62. 她的优势
  63. 选定
  64. 她神觉之象在林中
  65. 乌何由来哉?
  66. 灭忽
  67. 青金石雕——致哈利·克里夫顿
  68. 致桃乐西·卫俄斯里
  69. 刺激
  70. 朝圣者
  71. 雕像
  72. 消息为德尔菲预言而作
  73. 长脚蚊
  74. 一炷香
  75. 高谈
  76. 人及其回声
  77. 政治
  78. The Priest of Pan
  79. ’Mong Meadows of Sweet Grain
  80. The Dew Comes Dropping
  81. Wherever in the Wastes
  82. The Indian to His Love
  83. The Falling of the Leaves
  84. Ephemera
  85. The Lake Isle of Innisfree
  86. When You Are Old
  87. The White Birds
  88. To Some I Have Talked with by the Fire
  89. He Bids His Beloved Be at Peace
  90. The Valley of the Black Pig
  91. He Tells of the Perfect Beauty
  92. In the Seven Woods
  93. The Withering of the Boughs
  94. Adam’s Curse
  95. The Old Men Admiring Themselves in the Water
  96. No Second Troy
  97. The Coming of Wisdom with Time
  98. All Things Can Tempt Me
  99. September 1913
  100. Fallen Majesty
  101. The Cold Heaven
  102. The Magi
  103. The Wild Swans at Coole
  104. An Irish Airman Foresees His Death
  105. Solomon to Sheba
  106. The Scholars
  107. Lines Written in Dejection
  108. The Dawn
  109. The Fisherman
  110. On Being Asked for a War Poem
  111. Ego Dominus Tuus
  112. Michael Robartes and the Dancer
  113. An Image from a Past Life
  114. Easter, 1916
  115. On a Political Prisoner
  116. The Leaders of the Crowd
  117. The Second Coming
  118. A Meditation in Time of War
  119. Sailing to Byzantium
  120. My House
  121. The Stare’s Nest by My Window
  122. Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen
  123. Leda and the Swan
  124. On a Picture of a Black Centaur by Edmund Dulac
  125. Among School Children
  126. Human Dignity
  127. His Wildness
  128. A Dialogue of Self and Soul
  129. Symbols
  130. The Nineteenth Century and After
  131. Three Movements
  132. The Crazed Moon
  133. Coole and Ballylee, 1931
  134. Byzantium
  135. Gratitude to the Unknown Instructors
  136. Lullaby
  137. After Long Silence
  138. Her Triumph
  139. Chosen
  140. Her Vision in the Wood
  141. Whence Had They Come?
  142. Meru
  143. Lapis Lazuli— For Harry Clifton
  144. To Dorothy Wellesley
  145. The Spur
  146. The Pilgrim
  147. The Statues
  148. News for the Delphic Oracle
  149. Long-legged Fly
  150. A Stick of Incense
  151. High Talk
  152. Man and the Echo
  153. Politics
