Swann's Way(在斯万家那边)

Swann's Way(在斯万家那边)

In Search of Lost Time #1



Marcel Proust's "In Search of Lost Time" is one of the most entertaining reading experiences in any language and arguably the finest novel of the twentieth century. But since its original prewar translation there has been no completely new version in English. Now, Penguin Classics brings Proust's masterpiece to new audiences throughout the world, beginning with Lydia Davisas internationally acclaimed translation of the first volume, "Swannas Way."

This is a public domain book converted by anonymous volunteers and you may find it for free on the web.This work is respectfully inscribed by the author.

马塞尔·普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust,1871-1922):法国20世纪伟大的小说家,意识流小说大师。生于巴黎一资产阶级家庭,父亲是学者,母亲是富有的犹太经纪人的女儿。普鲁斯特自幼患哮喘病,大学毕业后,因健康原因,不能出户,开始撰写小说。1896年他出版了第一本小说《欢乐与时日》,1913年底出版了《追忆似水年华》的第一部《在斯万家那边》;隔年又出版了第二部《在少女们身旁》,获法国龚古尔文学奖;直至普鲁斯特去世后才完整的出版了七部。《追忆似水年华》改变了小说的传统观念,革新了小说的题材和写作技巧,被誉为法国文学的代表作。1984年法国《读书》杂志公布了法国、西班牙、德国、英国、意大利报刊评选的欧洲十名“最伟大作家”,普鲁斯特名列其中。
