
[澳]大卫·古拉斯(David Gulasi)
作者介绍 Who Is David? 谁是大卫? Headmaster of New World Language School 新大陆语言学校校长 Ex IELTS Examiner 前任雅思考官 The University of Sydney Graduate 悉尼大学毕业生 Internet Celebrity 网络名人 Comedian 搞笑博主 Family Man 居家男人 I grew up in Sydney Australia. I went to Redeemer Baptist High School in Sydney and then moved on to the University of Sydney in 2001 studying computer science at first but later changing it to psychology and then moving on to completing my master’s degree in human behavioural science. 我从小在澳大利亚悉尼长大,高中就读于悉尼的救世主浸礼会中学,2001年高中毕业之后去了悉尼大学,刚开始我想当个程序员,后来转去了心理学专业,硕士时主修人类行为学。 After graduating I worked for DELL computers as a sales manager and then promoted to a sales director for NSW. After working for Dell for over 5 years I decided to then go abroad and broaden my horizon. So I decided to come to China. …