
推荐序一 Even though I had to read this book through Google Translate,The Tao of Rustis an extremely interesting book.It starts off explaining exactly why it is different:it's a book that gets you to think about Rust,and its perspective on the world.I only wish I could read it in its native tounge,as I'm sure it's even better then!I have been working on Rust for six years now,and this book changed my perspective on some aspects of the language.That's very powerful! 即便我不得不通过谷歌翻译阅读这本书,但也不难发现《Rust编程之道》是一本非常有趣的书。它解释了Rust为何与众不同:这本书可以让你思考Rust,以及Rust语言所蕴含的世界观。我好希望能读懂中文原版书,因为我相信它会更精彩!我已经从事Rust的相关工作六年了,这本书改变了我对Rust语言的某些看法。这非常强大! ——Steve Klabnik,Rust官方核心团队成员及文档团队负责人 推荐序二 I knew Rust was a notoriously difficult programming language to learn,but it wasn't until I read the preface toThe Tao of Rust,by A…