
秦朔 陈天翔
Peter Ma is one of the truly extraordinary entrepreneurs I have had the privilege of knowing and admiring over the course of my career. Peter founded Ping An and then built it into one of the most successful companies in the world. This is a remarkable story of of ingenuity, perseverance and leadership which is all the more compelling because it is also a story of China’s economic miracle. Henry M. Paulson Former US Secretary of Treasury and Former Chairman and CEO, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Peter(马明哲先生)是我专业生涯中曾有幸合作且令我敬慕的一位杰出企业家。他从一无所有创建了平安,并成功地将其建成了世界上最优秀的公司之一。平安的成长故事是一个不断创新、坚韧不拔和展现超群领导力的壮举,也是中国经济奇迹的一个缩影。 亨利·保尔森 美国第74任财政部长、高盛集团前董事长兼CEO 推荐序一 创新不止 平安长青 前中国保监会主席 吴定富 四十年来,我国保险业主动置身国家改革开放的时代潮流,在行业全体从业者的共同努力下,取得了深刻变革和举世瞩目的发展成就,探索出了一条中国特色保险业发展道路。保险业已经成为服务和保障民生的重要手段,支持投资、扩大消费和保障出口的重要因素,优化金…
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