Ⅰ 名 词
1. company的含义及用法
“If you can neither receive nor bestow benefit,you had better leave that company at once.”一句译成“如果你既不能得到好处,也不能给与好处,你最好马上离开那家公司”。不知对否?又,请将company的含义及用法举例说明。
(1)一群人(a group of people),例如:
A great company came to the exhibition.(许多人来看展览会。)
(2)为某种目的而集合的人(a number of people combined,esp. one with a common purpose),例如:
The company are now enjoying a feast.(会众正在宴会中。)
He kept me company.(他陪伴了我。)
A man is known by the company he keeps.(看他所交的朋友,就可知道一个人的好坏。近朱者赤,近墨者黑。)
His father asked him to avoid bad company.(他父亲要他别交损友。)
(5)宾客,来宾(a number of invited guests),例如:
We are expecting company next week.(下星期我们要请客。)
We have company…