Helen of Troy(海伦)

Andrew Lang
"Le joyeulx temps passé souloit estre occasion que je faisoie de plaisants diz et gracieuses chançonnetes et ballades. Mais je me suis mis à faire cette traittié d'affliction contre ma droite nature… et suis content de l'avoir prinse, car mes douleurs me semblent en estre allegées."—Le Romant de Troilus. To all old Friends; to all who dwell Where Avon dhu and Avon gel Down to the western waters flow Through valleys dear from long ago; To all who hear the whisper'd spell Of Ken; and Tweed like music swell Hard by the Land Debatable, Or gleaming Shannon seaward go,— To all old Friends! To all that yet remember well What secrets Isis had to tell, How lazy Cherwell loiter'd slow Sweet aisles of blossom'd May below— Whate'er befall, whate'er befell, Toallold Friends. Part 1 THE COMING…