
[美] 凯特琳·柯林斯
Making Motherhood Work: How Women Manage Careers and Caregivingby Caitlyn Collins Copyright © 2019 by Princeton University Press Chinese simplified translation copyright © 2020 by Horizon Media Co., Ltd., A division of Shanghai Century Publishing Co., Ltd. Through Bardon-Chinese Media Agency ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. 谨将此书献给我的母亲, 致以我全部的爱, 并衷心希望当女性在职场宣布自己怀孕的消息时, 她们的上司不会再将垃圾桶一脚踢到房间的另一头。 前言 你的敌人希望你相信这一切都是无望的,你无能为力,没有理由付诸行动,也绝不可能获得胜利。 但你无须放任自己失去希望,这是你不应放弃的权利。 即便没有任何承诺和保证,希望仍意味着,一个不一样的世界亦是可能的。 当我们团结一心,我们就有力量,而且,我们能够改变世界,因为之前我们就曾无数次地做到过。无论我们的信仰为何,我们需要凯旋的祷文。…