
The Mindfulness Code: Keys for Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, Fear, and Unhappiness Copyright©2010 by Donald Altman All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other-except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Simplifed Chinese edition is arranged through CA-LINK International LLC(www. ca-link.com) 有人问佛陀, 怎样才能远离烦恼? 佛陀答, 当你吃橘子时,吃橘子! 技术发展越来越容易让人分散注意力。我们可以在看台上一边看球赛,一边回复同事发来的短信;可以一边看电视,一边支付账单——碰上堵车还可以争分夺秒地网购一把。每个人都很忙,每一刻我们都在做事,每一秒我们心里都闪过念头万千,大脑忙得要抽筋。我们身边的设备能保证我们处理各处的问题,但问题却在于我们没法全身心地待在我们想待的地方。正念为我们提供了一个解决之道。 到目前为止,已经有将近1000名拥有证书的正念减压教师在美国50个州及世界30多个国家教授正念技巧。流行的“吃葡萄干练习”让我们…