
[美] 迈克尔·格雷格(Michael Greger) [美] 吉恩·斯通(Gene Stone)
谨将此书献给我最爱的奶奶 —— 弗朗西丝·格雷格(Frances Greger)女士她的心脏病给了她见证蔬食力量的机会,也促使我走上了学医之路。 推荐序一 这是一本救命书This book can save your life 科林·坎贝尔博士(T. Colin Campbell, PhD) 康奈尔大学终身教授 上海交通大学顾问教授 中国预防医学科学院名誉教授 《救命饮食》作者 (此文为坎贝尔先生为《How Not to Die》中文版出版而作,由余力博士翻译。) The science of nutrition, among the professionals and public alike, worldwide is not respected as it should be. Medical practitioners are seldom, if ever, taught nutrition during their training and, in many instances, they do not receive adequate compensation for their services. The public has a widespread interest in nutrition, but are confronted with too much controversy and confusion. 无论是对专业人士还是百姓大众来说,营养科学都没有得到本来应有的尊重。大多数医务人员在其职业培训期间极少涉猎过营养医学。许多情形下,即使能提供相关服务,他们也无法得到充分报偿。大众对营养的兴趣广泛,但却迷失在过多的争论和困惑中。 In spite of this confusion and ignorance, however, we now…