
Some birds migrate for the winter. Some squirrels hide foods for the winter. Get the scale and see what you weigh. 候鸟迁徙 松鼠为过冬储备了食物 在这之前称了一下自己的体重 Leaves change colors, Plant moss in the Fall. Gardens turn to yellow at the end of the Fall. 树叶变了颜色 初秋种下的植被 在秋末把花园铺成了黄色 Someone doesn't like bananas, Some people are allergic to mosquito bites, Eating vegetables are healthy. 有人不喜欢吃香蕉 有人被蚊子咬伤红肿过敏 多吃蔬菜才能保持健康 这是我女儿8岁时写的,把一篇关于秋天的小作文写成了一首天马行空的散文诗。孩子们果然是天生的诗人,且是特别天马行空、印象派的那种。