
[芬] 卡罗利娜·科尔霍宁 绘著
芬兰人的噩梦:1.社恐星人互助手册 这位是马蒂,一个典型的芬兰人, 他性格温和,喜欢安静,重视私人空间。 Meet Matti, a stereotypical Finn who appreciates peace, quiet and personal space. 与人相处时, 马蒂尽量做到“己所不欲,勿施于人 ”: 他尊重别人的空间,以礼待人, 从不废话连篇、惹人讨厌。 不过,你也许已经猜到了, 事事不能总如马蒂所愿。 Matti tries his best to do unto others as he wishes to be done unto him: to give space, be polite and not bother with unnecessary chit-chat. As you might've guessed, it can't always go that way. 如果这本书让你有种熟悉的感觉, 说不定你的身体里也住着一个小马蒂哟。 If you feel uncomfortable when reading these comics, you just might have a tiny Matti living in you. 图片 芬兰人那些事 Being a Finn 图片 有人太把关于芬兰的 传说当真了。 When someone takes Finnish stereotypes too seriously. 图片 有人不知出于什么原因讨厌芬兰。 When for some reason, someone somewhere doesn't like Finland. 图片 有人问都不问就往桑拿炉上洒水。 When someone throws water on the sauna stove without ask…
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