
英国《金融时报》 出品
英国《金融时报》原文阅读精选集Vol.21 “比石油更昂贵的将是水”? 别以为这是玩笑,在不久的将来水资源将会成为比石油更加昂贵的大宗商品? 测试中可能遇到的词汇和知识: agriculture农业;农耕['ægrɪkʌltʃə] scarcity不足;缺乏['skeəsɪtɪ] cite引用;传讯[saɪt] fossil化石的;陈腐的['fɒs(ə)l; -sɪl] municipal市政的,市的[mjʊ'nɪsɪp(ə)l] 阅读马上开始,建议您计算一下阅读整篇文章所用的时间,对照下方的参考值就可以评估出您的英文阅读水平。 图片 Water set to become more valuable than oil(429 words) By Andrew Ward in London Water will become more valuable than oil as rising demand from people,industries and agriculture puts pressure on supplies,according to the chief executive of French utility Suez. Jean-Louis Chaussade,whose company this month agreed to buy General Electric’s water unit for $3.4bn,said water scarcity posed one of the biggest challenges facing industries such as chemicals,drugs,mining and energy. Asked whether water would one day be a more valua…