
[英] 乔伊斯·泰德斯利
图片 图片 图片 图片 图片 图片 图片 图片 本书第001页、第163页的图片来自网站:https://www.pexels.com/zh-cn/。文前图片均由英国头条出版集团有限公司授权使用。 图片说明 1 Painted Box © Roger Wood/CORBIS/VCG via Getty Images Amarna Stela © Heritage Image Partnership Ltd./Alamy 2 Blue Crown Head, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1950 Statue © The Trustees of The British Museum Crooks and Flails by Harry Burton © Griffith Institute, University of Oxford 3 Dyad © Steven Snape 4 KV55 Coffin © Steven Snape Tomb East Wall © Iberfoto/Bridgeman Images 5 Guardian statues © Illustrated London News/Bridgeman Images Little Golden Shrine © Heritage Image Partnership Ltd./Alamy 6 Canopic Shrine © NPL – DeA Picture Library/S. Vannini/Bridgeman Images Canopic Chest © Heritage Image Partnership Ltd./Alamy Sarcophagus © robertharding/Alamy 7 Inner Coffin © NPL – …