
谨以此书献给张首晟教授, 他对简洁与普适的无止境追求永远激励着我们。 特此鸣谢张首晟基金会对本书出版给予的大力支持。 推荐序引人入胜的现代物理学之旅 《宇宙的另一种真相》一书呈现了一场引人入胜的现代物理学之旅,重点展现了我们对宇宙理解的许多不同方面。 在书中,读者将会欣赏到关于“还原论”的讨论,即复杂的现象被简化为简单的组成单元或原因,还会欣赏到关于“涌现”的讨论,即复杂和全新的行为由众多简单的组成单元共同作用而产生。人类的思想有许多层面,正是这些层面的进步使我们终于能够理解物质和宇宙的运作方式,这本书完美地呈现了这一点。我相信读者阅读后会有很多思考。 ——爱德华·威滕 The bookAnother Truth of the Universeprovides a fascinating tour of modern physics, emphasizing the many different facets of our understanding of the universe. Readers will enjoy the discussion of “reductionism,” in which complex phenomena are reduced to simple building blocks or causes, as well as “emergence,” in which complex and qualitatively new behaviors arise from a multitude of simple building blocks working together. The many layers of progress in human thought that have led to our current under…