
[美] 马克·吐温
亚当日记 图片 图片 星期一 这个长头发的新生物真碍事。它总是在我周围晃悠,跟着我走来走去。我不喜欢这样,也不习惯有谁陪在我身边。我希望它老老实实地和其他动物待在一起。今天阴天,刮东风,感觉我们要有雨了……我们?这个词,我是从哪儿学来的?对,想起来了——是新生物用的。 Monday This new creature with the long hair is a good deal in the way. It is always hanging around and following me about. I don't like this;I am not used to company. I wish it would stay with the other animals. Cloudy today, wind in the east;think we shall have rain……Where did I get that word?……I remember now—the new creature uses it. 图片 星期二 我仔细地观察了大瀑布。我觉得大瀑布是这里最美的事物。新来的人为其取名为尼亚加拉大瀑布——我不知道这个名字是怎么取的。新来的人说因为它看起来像尼亚加拉大瀑布。 Tuesday Been examining the great waterfall. It is the finest thing on the estate, I think. The new creature calls it Niagara Falls—why, I am sure I do not know. Says it looks like Niagara Falls. 这可不是理由,仅仅是因为任性和愚蠢罢了。我根本没有机会为事物取名。我还来不及提出抗议,新来…