
图片 图片 朱朱 著 灰色的狂欢节:2000年以来的中国当代艺术 广西师范大学出版社 ·桂林· FOREWORD Zhu Zhu now provides us with Grey Carneval: Art in China since 2000, a very substantial book resulting from the outline proposed to an international jury for the 2011 CCAA Art Critic Award which made him a clear winner of that award. He certainly has made more than good on his promise to offer a new and in depth analysis of this decade which carries so much weight in shaping new perceptions about Chinese contemporary art at home and abroad. This book comes very timely, at a moment when the heat is mounting in the debate about the canon of Chinese contemporary art—about who is in and who is out,about who shaped this art and when and how... This book illustrates particularly well why the CCAA Art Critic Award has been created: the…