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  1. 译序
  2. Translator’s Preface
  3. 访戴天山道士不遇
  4. Calling on a Taoist Recluse in Daitian Mountainwithout Meeting Him
  5. 登锦城散花楼
  6. On the Flowery Tower in the Town of Silk
  7. 峨眉山月歌
  8. The Moon over the Eyebrow Mountains
  9. 巴女词
  10. Song of a Woman of Ba
  11. 荆州歌
  12. The Silk Spinner
  13. 渡荆门送别
  14. Farewell Beyond the Thorn-Gate Gorge
  15. 望庐山瀑布水
  16. The Waterfall in Mount LuViewed from Afar
  17. 望庐山五老峰
  18. The Five Greybeard-like Peaks of Mount Lu Viewed from Afar
  19. 望天门山
  20. Mount Heaven’s GateViewed from Afar
  21. 杨叛儿
  22. A Love Song
  23. 长干行
  24. Ballads of a Merchant’s Wife
  25. 长干行
  26. Ballads of a Merchant’s Wife
  27. 金陵酒肆留别
  28. Parting at a Tavern in Jinling
  29. 夜下征虏亭
  30. Passing by the Triumphal Tower at Night
  31. 上李邕
  32. The Roc—to Li Yong
  33. 静夜思
  34. Thoughts on a Silent Night
  35. 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵
  36. Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower
  37. 长相思
  38. Lovesickness
  39. 长相思
  40. Lovesickness
  41. 登新平楼
  42. Ascending Xinping Tower
  43. 蜀道难
  44. Hard Is the Road to Shu
  45. 行路难
  46. Hard Is the Way of the World
  47. 行路难
  48. Hard Is the Way of the World
  49. 行路难
  50. Hard Is the Way of the World
  51. 送友人入蜀
  52. To a Friend Departing for Shu
  53. 春夜洛城闻笛
  54. Hearing a Bamboo Flute on a Spring Night in Luoyang
  55. 塞下曲
  56. Frontier Song
  57. 关山月
  58. The Moon over the Mountain Pass
  59. 乌夜啼
  60. The Crows Crying at Night
  61. 春思
  62. A Faithful Wife Longing for Her Husband in Spring
  63. 三五七言
  64. Yearning
  65. 怨情
  66. Waiting in Vain
  67. 玉阶怨
  68. Waiting in Vain on Marble Steps
  69. 长门怨
  70. Sorrow of the Long Gate Palace
  71. 长门怨
  72. Sorrow of the Long Gate Palace
  73. 子夜吴歌
  74. Ballads of Four Seasons
  75. 子夜吴歌
  76. Ballads of Four Seasons
  77. 子夜吴歌
  78. Ballads of Four Seasons
  79. 子夜吴歌
  80. Ballads of Four Seasons
  81. 将进酒
  82. Invitation to Wine
  83. 赠孟浩然
  84. To Meng Haoran
  85. 夜泊牛渚怀古
  86. Thoughts on Old Time from a Night-Mooring near Cattle Hill
  87. 客中行
  88. While Journeying
  89. 陌上赠美人
  90. To a Fair Lady Encountered on the Road
  91. 登太白峰
  92. Ascending the Snow-White Peak
  93. 登广武古战场怀古
  94. Reflections on the Ancient Battlefield at Guangwu
  95. 南陵别儿童入京
  96. Parting from My Children at Nanlingfor the Capital
  97. 清平调词
  98. The Beautiful Lady Yang
  99. 清平调词
  100. The Beautiful Lady Yang
  101. 清平调词
  102. The Beautiful Lady Yang
  103. 忆东山
  104. The Eastern Hill
  105. 乌栖曲
  106. Crows Going Back to Their Nest—Satire on the King of Wu
  107. 下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒
  108. Descending Zhongnan Mountainand Meeting Husi the Hermit
  109. 月下独酌
  110. Drinking Alone under the Moon
  111. 把酒问月
  112. Reflections on the Moon While Drinking
  113. 白云歌送刘十六归山
  114. Song of White Cloud—Farewell Song to Liu the Recluse
  115. 秋日鲁郡尧祠亭上宴别杜补阙范侍御
  116. Farewell to Two Friends in Luon an Autumn Day
  117. 鲁郡东石门送杜二甫
  118. Farewell to Du Fu at Stone Gate
  119. 沙丘城下寄杜甫
  120. To Du Fu from Sand Hill Town
  121. 戏赠杜甫
  122. Addressed Humorously to Du Fu
  123. 梦游天姥吟留别
  124. Mount SkylandAscended in a Dream—A Song of Farewell
  125. 登金陵凤凰台
  126. On Phoenix Terrace at Jinling
  127. 劳劳亭
  128. Pavilion Laolao
  129. 丁都护歌
  130. Song of the Tow-men
  131. 苏台览古
  132. The Ruin of the Gusu Palace
  133. 越中览古
  134. The Ruin of the Capital of Yue
  135. 越女词
  136. Songs of the Southern Lass
  137. 越女词
  138. Songs of the Southern Lass
  139. 越女词
  140. Songs of the Southern Lass
  141. 渌水曲
  142. Song of Green Water
  143. 闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄
  144. To Wang Changling Banished to the West
  145. 战城南
  146. Fighting South of the Town
  147. 听蜀僧濬弹琴
  148. On Hearing a Monk from ShuPlaying His Lute
  149. 寄东鲁二稚子
  150. Written for My Two Children in East Lu
  151. 秦王扫六合
  152. The Emperor of Qin
  153. 登高丘而望远海
  154. Mounting a Heightand Viewing the Sea
  155. 北风行
  156. The North Wind
  157. 横江词
  158. The Crosswise River
  159. 山中问答
  160. A Dialogue in the Mountain
  161. 自遣
  162. Solitude
  163. 独坐敬亭山
  164. Sitting Alone in Face of Peak Jingting
  165. 宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云
  166. Farewell to Uncle Yun,the Imperial Librarian,at Xie Tiao’s Pavilion in Xuanzhou
  167. 秋登宣城谢朓北楼
  168. On Ascending the North Tower One Autumn Day
  169. 送友人
  170. Farewell to a Friend
  171. 秋浦歌
  172. Songs of Autumn Pool
  173. 秋浦歌
  174. Songs of Autumn Pool
  175. 赠汪伦
  176. To Wang Lun Who Comes to Bid Me Farewell
  177. 哭晁卿衡
  178. Elegy on Abe Nakamaro
  179. 永王东巡歌
  180. Song of Eastern Expedition of Prince Yong
  181. 与史郎中钦听黄鹤楼上吹笛
  182. On Hearing the Flute in Yellow Crane Tower
  183. 早发白帝城
  184. Leaving the White Emperor Townfor Jiangling
  185. 与夏十二登岳阳楼
  186. Ascending the Tower of Yueyangwith Xia the Twelfth
  187. 陪族叔刑部侍郎晔及中书贾舍人至游洞庭
  188. On Lake Dongting
  189. 江上吟
  190. Song on the River
  191. 夜宿山寺
  192. The Summit Temple
  193. 庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟
  194. Song of Mount Lu—To Censor Lu Xuzhou
  195. 豫章行
  196. Song of Yuzhang
  197. 哭宣城善酿纪叟
  198. Elegy on Master Brewer Ji of Xuancheng
  199. 宣城见杜鹃花
  200. Azalea Blooms Viewed in Xuancheng
  201. 临终歌
  202. On Death-Bed