



《洗洗睡吧(Let It Be)》是摄影师郭国柱在2008至2009年期间使用一台自制的8x10英寸针孔相机拍摄完成的作品。他在被摄者临近睡觉时打开快门开始曝光,待次日凌晨被摄者醒来时结束曝光。由于拍摄的曝光时间都是持续6至10小时,居室内相对于相机静止的陈设在底片上形成清晰的影像,而被摄者在房间里面走动不会留下影像,上床就寝以后则因为夜里翻身的原因幻化成流云一样的影像。

《不在家的神像(Homeless Buddha Statues)》完成于2012年,大多数拍摄于闽南地区。这些神像被供奉者移至野外,大部分是因为神像自身破损老化,也有小部分是由于供奉者的信仰发生改变所致。当摄影师透过大画幅相机的取景器,观看这些逍遥在自然环境之中的神像时,发觉他们虽饱经风吹雨打,须眉之间仍然留有供奉者所赋予的烟火痕迹。

Photographer Guo Guozhu started the work “Let It Be” by using a DIY 8x10 large format pinhole camera in 2008 and completed it in 2009. He opened the shutter to start exposuring when the subject went to bed, and he finished the exposure the next morning when the subject woke up. Since the shooting exposure time lasted for almost 6-10 hours, furnishings which were relatively static to the camera in the living room formed a clear image on the film. However, the subject would not form an image when walking inside the room but made a cloud-like image when turning over during sleep.

Photo series “Homeless Buddha Statues” was completed in 2012, and most of the photos were taken in southern Fujian. The statues in photos had been moved to the outdoors by believers mostly because of the bad condition and aging of the statues, and partly because of the change of believers’ faiths. Through the viewfinder of the large format camera, the photographer found that although the statues got settled in the environment surviving from winds and rains, their eyebrows still had the smoke-discolored traces of incense burnt by the former believers.

《洗洗睡吧(Let It Be)》 曾参展平遥国际摄影节(2009,平遥)、中国—荷兰当代综合艺术展(2010,厦门)、“镜·界”海摄影交流展(2011,厦门)等,广受好评。

《不在家的神像(Homeless Buddha Statues)》 采用了当代摄影中少见的铂金印相工艺,以此映衬“神像”这一拍摄客体。神像的“不在家”带给摄影师的思考已经超出了宗教信仰的范畴,他认为其“已然折射出当今社会盛行的实用主义价值观”。

Photo series “Let It Be” , which received a favorable response, has been exhibited on Pingyao International Photography Festival (Pingyao, 2009), China & Holland Contemporary Arts Exhibition (Xiamen, 2010), Strait Photography Exchange Exhibition“Gazing the Coastlines” (Xiamen, 2011), ect.

Corresponding to the object "statues", photo series “Homeless Buddha Statues” adopted a rare technology in contemporary photography : platinum printing. The "homeless" of Buddha statues triggered the photographer into a deep thinking which beyond the scope of religious belief. "It has reflected the pragmatism values which are prevalent in the society today", he said.


Guo Guozhu, born in 1982 in Yongchun of Fujian Province, China. He graduated from the Department of Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering of Nanchang Hangkong University. He started his journey of photography by himself since 2002. His photographs have been exhibited on Pingyao International Photography Festival (Pingyao, 2009), China & Holland Contemporary Arts Exhibition (Xiamen, 2010), Strait Photography Exchange Exhibition“Gazing the Coastlines” (Xiamen, 2011), ect. He lives in Xiamen now.


