序 做一个淡淡的女子 Be a simple woman
第一章 悲也罢,喜也罢,都是灵魂散发的香气 Joy and sorrow is the fragrance of your soul
如果你心头的火光不灭,谁还能浇熄你的梦想呢? No one can destroy your dreams
彼此点头,彼此微笑,坚韧地生活 Nod and smile to each other
那是一棵壮丽的玫瑰树 The beautiful rose tree
乘上清风,如向死而生的鸟儿一样 Ride the wind, such as the Nirvana bird
亲爱的!擦干你的眼泪 Dear, dry your tears!
哪怕全世界都不肯对你笑,你也要露一个笑容给自己 Give yourself a smile
眼泪不能洗涤,眼泪能燃烧 Burn your tears
如果我能重新开始一生 If I can start a new life
任霜寒风吹,内心绝不伤悲 Even when the cold wind in my body, I do not feel sad
生如夏花,死于秋叶,还在乎拥有什么 Let life be beautiful like flowers, and deathlike leaves
如风般自由,似云朵般沉静 Free like wind,calm like cloud
让懂的人懂,让不懂的人不懂 To understand or don't understand
苦难越沉重,灵魂越高贵 The more suffering, the more noble
第二章 阳光再暖一点,让日子再慢一点 Let the sun warmer, let time slower
好日子,要停下来细细品尝 Stop to enjoy the beautiful life
抬头看云,低头成长 Raised your head to look at the clouds, lower the head to grow
屋子简陋,但足够我仰望碧空 The house is simple, but enough to look up to the sky
愿你是那灵魂有香气的女子 May you be the woman with beautiful soul
猫眼睛里的永恒 The eternity in the cat's eyes
孤独的一个人,正生活在遥远的异乡 Live alone in a foreign land——读《一朵小花》
有的东西,我们越是追,却离我们越远 Something more is sought, the more distant
角落里的阳光,反而更暖人 The sun of the corner is warmer
老去,是一种优雅的力量 Old is a kind of elegant
心向暖秋,柔韧绽放 Soft heart blossom in warm autumn
你看你在水中的倒影,有多么美! How beautiful your reflection in the water is!
读书是一种享受 Reading is a kind of enjoyment
人生是舞台,上演着多彩的戏 A colorful drama is played on the stage of life
窗外的世界,你不懂 You don't understand the world outside
我是天空里的一片云 I am a cloud in the sky——读《偶然》
第三章 我永远面带微笑,尽管我内伤很重 Although I was badly hurt, I always smile
只有当你驶入自己的港口,你才能停止下来 Stop only in their own ports
假如生活欺骗了你 If by life you were deceived
生活从来不曾干燥 Life never dry
黎明之光,终将驱散你受过的苦 The light of dawn will drive away your suffering
生活予你苦难,而你要报以笑脸 Smile back to the suffering of life
如果你失去一个世界 If you lose the world——读安瓦里《苏哈里》
每一座沙丘,我们总感到难以跨越 Each dune, we all feel difficult to cross
飞出这圈子 Fly out of the circle
心向自由,高贵而生 Have a noble heart longing for freedom
美终究是美,即使是在它凋谢的时候 Fall is also beautiful
我的心曾悲伤七次 My heart was sad seven times
请记得,给灵魂安个家 Prepare a home for the soul
生命中的一切都该由心做主 Everything in life is determined by the heart
我们像摇摆于忧愁与欢乐之间的一架天平 We are like a balance between sorrow and joy
第四章 不急不躁,静候下一季的姹紫嫣红 Waiting for the next season unrushed
女子如水般柔软 Woman is soft like water
生命深处,我心淡然 My heart is peaceful in my life
漫游在自然中,一切都那么安静 Everything in nature is so quiet
就让路途当中出现阻塞吧,让它出现好了! A tough life is a beautiful life
守一颗宁静淡然的心 Keep a quiet heart
生命何其蜿蜒,但也要耐心地走完 Life is winding, but you have to be patient
即使是一棵孤独的树,骨子里依然是对春天的向往 Even if it is a lonely tree, the heart is longing for the spring
安静中体会生命的盛大 Enjoy the grand life quietly
怀抱春天,真实地绽放 Embrace spring then bloom
故乡的秋,说不出的怀恋 Miss the autumn of my home
不惊不怕,以爱活下去 Live for love
生命的过客,记忆的常客 A passer-by in your life——读《雪花的快乐》
五月里,这生命的律动 The rhythm of life in may
打开心窗,总能触摸到阳光 Open the window to your heart, and touch the sun
都是旅人,不带走什么 We are travelers taking nothing
第五章 在温柔中不慌不忙地坚强 There is adamancy in tenderness
不虚荣、不炫耀,绚丽绽放于天空下 Never show or glitter
满含爱的心,如三月暖风般醉人 Heart full of love is like the March air
如桂花一般的女子,从不刻意躲避尘世喧哗 Women like a flower never escape from the world
你是人间的四月天 You are the April days in the world
你以为我刀枪不入,我以为你百毒不侵 You think I'm strong, I think you are brave——读《寂寞的心》
要从远处看生活 Look at life from a distance
孤独之于你我,不过是成长的必经之路 Loneliness is the only way which must be passed
许你一个温暖的梦 Promise a warm dream to you
真正的高贵应该是优于过去的自己 The true nobility is better than your past
一片阳光 A piece of the sun
让自己的心像母亲一样温暖 Let your heart warm like a mother——读《母亲》
只做一个我,不做第二个谁 Be yourself
流年带走红颜,它却带不走爱 Time takes the beauty, but never love——读叶芝《当你老了》
那只渴望自由的松鼠不知去向了 The squirrel disappear without a trace
给灵魂以自由,让寂寞无处可藏 Let your soul free, farewell to loneliness
世间曾有一个小丑 The world had a clown
人生必须透过黑暗,才能得见光明 Through the darkness, we can see the light
此心便是,世间最暖的光明 The heart is the most warm light